Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poem for my Grandpa Willie

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
is a place for you and I
where we don't need
feathers or wings
to take to the sky

Together we will soar
Gliding hand in hand
Spreading peace and love
Across all of the land

People will surely wonder
How we learned to fly
But that will be a secret
only for you and I

So whenever you start
to miss me
Just picture us
soaring high.

Somewhere over the rainbow
a place for you and I.

Happy Birthday Grandpaaa!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I can feel it in my dreams
the place where I belong
The place that I have loved
Almost 20 years long

I feel it calling to me
Longing for my return
I close my eyes each day
and I can feel the burn.

It's a burning that melts
my insides
It makes my heart
want to burst
My eyes fill with water
as if to quench my thirst

That thirst for familiar faces
That thirst for those old places
The places where I belong
That I havn't seen in so long.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Teddy's story

I feel something wet on one of my ears...it's the same ear she used to hold on to when she was having a rough night, she must have felt like there were times when i was the only one who understood her.

They say silence can be the best form of support or strength, and I don't have a mouth...so...well, you get the picture. Now I feel something wet drip down onto my nose...I know that smell. She is squeezing me tighter now and I can feel her chest heaving heavily. I know this feeling. She is crying.

This is not crying as if she was watching a sad movie. No, she is crying the way she used to when she was sleeping at one of her friend's houses as a little girl and the strange smells and lack of comfort made her homesick. She would call her mother in the midst of the night and ask her to come and get her through a flood of tears streaming down her cheeks. That was the feeling I got this time.

As she continues to cry I look out of this small plastic window. It is round at the edges and has many scratches on it as if it has been here long before us and will exist long after. All I can see if a sea of fluffy clouds. We are in an airplane no doubt. This isn't our first time on a plane. We have traveled overseas many times, to the Bahamas and Japan. I don't understand why she is so distraught on this particular trip.

"Thank you for flying American, we welcome you to sit back and enjoy your flight to Philadelphia, our in flight movie will begin in a few moments..." the flight attendant said in a voice that resemebled that of an automated answering machine.

We are going to Philly to visit her family! We have been on this trip many times! Since she was only six months old we'd been going to Philadelphia to visit her father's side of the family. She should be happy to see them! Why are you so sad? I wish I could ask. She is sqeezing me tighter now.

Wait a minute...maybe we are not going back home...is that why she is so sad? That must be it! We are not going back home, at least not anytime soon. She begins to cry harder as if she knows that I just realized what was going on.

Just keep holding me. It will be okay. I want to tell her. I want to give her a big hug and remind her that I will always be here with her. I've been here since day one and i'll be with her until the end. Home isn't going anywhere and neither am I. I want to reach up and wipe her tears away.

Her grip is loosening now. Maybe she can feel me assuring her. Just keep holding me D'Ana Joi...whenver you hold me, you will be at home in the depths of your heart. That place that nobody knows but us. Just keep holding me and we'll make it together.

She is alseep now, the plane engine and steady gliding always made her drift off into a land full of dreams. Her arm is limp as i lay across it, her grip on me has loosend, but I won't let go.

[This was an assignment for my creative spirit course and i had to write a story about myself from the point of view of an object that means a lot to me, so I wrote the story about my plain ride to Philly from the point of view of my teddy bear.]