Friday, August 28, 2009


I have missed out
on much of the world
simply by being home.

Home must be energy
home is a force field,
it is an aura
that somehow
attaches itself

To structures
made of wood and rain
stone and sweat
cardboard boxes
and hope.

This shelter has
contained me,
Wooed me away
from dewy green grass.

A sly barter
of bed of sand
and blanket of sea,
I kiss the moon
from my bed of cotton,
bed of warmth.

Our hut is lavish
warm in winter,
cool against
summer's cheek.

A voluntary cage
I gaze through glass;
missing the Earth.

Imagining the sound
of a leave detaching
itself from it's
glorious tree,
or the smell of
a butterfly
newly shed of
it's cocoon.

Ignorance's of life.

Less is considered
as we dwell here
in our home.

Tucked inside walls;
Walls of our homes,
walls of our minds.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A day in the life of my journal.

welcome to the wonderful world that is my journal...

Aug. 8th 2009, 4:30 pm

"Good Afternoon. Today is my lucky day. Magic is happening today, all around me. Everything is working in my favor today. I am thankful for the beautiful sun, the trees and the shadows they make together. I am thankful for the cool and compassionate wind. I am thankful for the incredible gift and ability to be able to hear all the beautiful sounds of life. Thankful for the talents of humans, who create such exciting senses-rattling music! Thank you God for MUSIC! Thank you for words, for languages. Thank you for diversity! Thank you for the distinct talents, traits, flaws, gifts, aptitudes, and pleasures that make each one of us, simply, who we are. Thank you that I sit here today thankful! So overjoyed with excitement, just to sit here, with myself, in your day. Basking in your marvelous ambiance (as cliche as that sounds). Thank you for shadows. Thank you for this tree, so full of life, constant life; breathing so that I can breathe.
Ok, now I need to go back and record the events of the past 3 days in as much detail as I can muster. It is the most excitement I have seen in a while..."

AND that's all you get!
now you know what
a day in the life of my journal is like.